Dockzilla Loading Dock Platforms Elevate Materials Handling & Expediting - Dockzilla

Dockzilla Loading Dock Platforms Elevate Materials Handling & Expediting

As retailers count down to a record-breaking $1.5 trillion holiday shopping “and shipping” season, this is no time for fa-la-la-la follies at the loading dock. Not to mention the more than $90 billion expected in post-holiday gift returns.

Whether shipping at the holidays or year round, companies are elevating their loading operations with modular Dockzilla Loading Dock Platforms. Built from high strength steel, these self-standing platforms are portable, so they can be removed or reconfigured along with the evolving needs of the business.


Dockzilla platforms are in high demand because they provide ample space at trailer height accommodating employees and forklifts for a significant impact on loading and unloading:

  • Fewer Trips:  Personnel on forklifts or using hand carts can efficiently load and unload shipments at trailer height without numerous trips up and down loading dock ramps
  • Efficiency:  Forklifts spend roughly 80% of the time on the platform, productively sorting and stacking loads for outbound transportation.
  • Expediting:  Cross Dock Platforms enable DCs and third party logistics companies to receive, sort, and quickly transfer goods “across the dock” to outgoing transportation or last mile distribution vehicles.
  • Cost-Effective:  This quick turnaround time helps companies avoid short term storage fees or the need for refrigeration of perishables (holiday fruitcake, anyone?).

Dockzilla Loading Dock Platforms are tackling a wide variety of loading scenarios such as E-commerce fulfillment, off-loading large equipment at construction sites, loading boxcars at rail docks, interior loading configurations, and more.

For specifics from a Dockzilla sales engineer, contact: 800-637-3036 or [email protected].