Portable Loading Dock Ramp - Dockzilla
DZ Series

Portable Loading Dock

Dockzilla’s Portable Loading Dock is a premium forklift loading ramp with patented impact resistance, integral dock leveler and next-level safety features that come standard.


Load 5X Faster

  • Patented impact resistant design you won’t find on any other yard ramp
  • Pre-engineered for employee & forklift safety with handrails, 13″ side curbs and 96″ clear width
  • Edge of dock leveler with option to upgrade to exclusive Cheesegrater® hydraulic leveler with traction grating
  • Solar power option for remote loading
  • Add  20″ solid wheels for daily mobility


Talk to a real engineer who understands what goes down at the loading dock.

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Dock Height Loading for Forklifts

dockzilla portable loading dock with forklift

Engineered for Impact

Patented, impact-resistance design, which means that this self-supported loading dock absorbs trailer impact over and over again without sliding out of place during daily loading operations.

dockzilla portable loading dock

Self-Supported Loading

Architecturally-designed per IBC codes with front safety legs built from high-strength steel, so it has the structural integrity to stand on its own to tackle the repeated impact and abuse of daily loading operations.

dockzilla portable loading dock

Eliminate Construction & Easily Relocate

Modular structures eliminate the need for loading dock construction and can be easily disassembled, removed from a property, and relocated elsewhere, giving customers the ability to repurpose their investment.

dockzilla portable loading dock

Boost Safety & Productivity

Designed per OSHA safety requirements with employee handrails/guardrails above 42″ elevation, extra tall 13″ sidecurbs, forklift traction grating, safety steps, and optional vehicle restraint.

dockzilla portable loading dock

Interior Loading Dock

For customers with grade-level buildings (and therefore, no dock high doors), or a need to set up shipping operations on the inside of their facility, these units can easily serve as interior loading docks.

dockzilla portable loading dock

Return on Investment

High-quality portable loading docks command an upfront investment that pays off quickly thanks to premium safety features, intuitive functionality, minimal maintenance, long-term durability, and a 5-year structural warranty.


Add Loading Capacity Anywhere

Dockzilla’s Portable Loading Dock fuels forklift operations that’s 5x faster than manually loading trailers. Architecturally-designed per OSHA and IBC codes, these modular structures feature self-supporting safety legs, integral dock leveler and premium safety features like extra tall side curbs, handrails and vehicle restraint compatibility. A patented design absorbs trailer impact forces, so the dock won’t slide out of place when trailers back into the unit. These portable loading docks are ideal for adding shipping capacity and for use at grade-level buildings (without dock high doors).

“Our company owns a grade-level facility we use for a cross docking operation, and we wanted to add a loading dock without undergoing a large-scale rehab project. With Dockzilla’s Portable Loading Dock, we’ve been able to leverage the available space on our property to load and unload trailers. We can move and utilize this investment if, and when our needs change.”

– Mike Brewington, President, Iowa Beverage Systems



Built per IBC and OSHA safety codes, and features pedestrian guardrails, handrails, wheel chocks and optional trailer restraint. Read more.



High-strength steel frame with bolt-down base plates, premium laminated dock bumpers, and impact resistance, to stand up to the rigors of daily loading. Read more.


Fast & Easy

Pre-fabricated typically ships within 2-4 weeks, the unit can be ready for action in < 2 hours of arrival. Read more.



Can be positioned anywhere on a property, including inside a facility to boost shipping capacity and loading velocity. Read more.


