We need loading docks that can relocate as business evolves - Dockzilla

Avoid costly concrete construction and demolition at lease reclamation.

Dockzilla portable loading docks are 100% removable and relocatable.  All of our models eliminate the extensive time and expenses involved in designing and constructing, and obtaining city inspections for a $100,000+ concrete loading dock project.  When you outgrow a warehouse or when your manufacturing lease ends, portable forklift docks can load up and relocate to a new facility – no need to demolish a substantial concrete dock investment.  

You’re planning a warehouse expansion and need to relocate the docks.

Our products deliver concrete results without the confines of permanent concrete.  Your heavy steel Dockzilla loading dock is portable, so if a building expansion is in the works, it can be moved and repositioned elsewhere on the property to continue business as usual.  Dock Houses can be easily detached from a building and then re-attached once building expansion construction is completed.   

Your property requires mobility for high capacity loading.

Dockzilla mobile loading docks combine superior strength with mobility and automated features to support high volume loading operations. These highly intuitive loading docks are ideal for companies that require forklift ramp mobility due to property size, or for those who want to load and unload virtually anywhere on a property.

You need a productive loading operation in an urban facility.

Select the best building to support your business strategy without letting a lackluster loading dock dictate the deal. Dockzilla’s portable loading docks make it possible to maximize loading opportunities where space is limited.  Achieve loading velocity at a traditional dock door or reap the benefits of heavy-steel self-standing loading docks positioned anywhere on a property for pop-up fulfillment centers.  Dockzilla means portable so you can reconfigure the set up when business priorities change.
